Welcome to Sports Facility Expert – your one-stop shop for building, running and growing your sports facility

The Golden Rule of Vendor Relationships
As a business owner, it’s easy to focus your energy on your relationships with customers. You prioritize customers. Treat them well and make sure that they have the things they need and expect from your facility. Your vendors deserve the same respect.

Sports Facility Staff Training Should Include Telephone Etiquette
The way your staff answers the phone at your sports facility tells your prospective clients a lot about your business. As a sports facility owner, you may not know what impression prospective clients are getting of your facility when they call – after all, you’re not likely to call and inquire about your own services. […]

Baseball Facility Scheduling Generates Passive Income
One of my clients just had his highest grossing September of all of the seven years he has been in business. Interestingly, it was more than double his previous revenue record for September. And the best part: He and his staff didn’t even do any extra work to hit that record. In fact, he’s attributing […]

Sports Facility Marketing: Reaching 6-8 Customer Touch Points
Trying new marketing methods can get discouraging when they don’t seem to yield immediate results. However, as I always remind my staff, it takes an average of 6-8 contacts before a client actually buys. Here are a few cross promotion strategies that I have put into practice at my own facility.

Sports Facility Management Tip: Safety Training for your Staff
Injuries are going to happen in the sports world, or whenever physical activities are involved. As a sports facility owner, do you know how your staff would react in the event that one of your clients gets sick or injured while working out or playing at your facility? While I can’t dispense medical advice, I do make sure to keep certain priorities in mind at my own facility as far as safety goes.

How To Hire the Best Instructors for Your Sports Facility
In my last post, I talked about how important your sports facility staff is to your marketing efforts. As you know, good instructors are also essential to ensuring that your clients have a pleasant experience at your sports facility and continue coming back. Your staff and instructors can make or break your business. Your instructor […]

Sports Facility Marketing through your Staff
On this site, I talk quite a bit about how to market your sports facility, so I definitely want to mention a marketing effort that many sports facilities skip. It’s one that I consider to be one of the easiest and most important branding/marketing opportunities available to you: your staff. Marketing isn’t just about buying […]

Sports Facilities Management: Getting New Prospects’ Data
Most of the sports facility owners and managers I talk to do a good job of keeping track of the customers who come into their facility for a service. They collect their clients’ contact info. Sometimes, they even take note of their interests for future marketing. The area that most owners/managers struggle with is going […]

Sports Facility Startup Financing Options: Choose Partners Carefully
Choosing a financial partner is one of the biggest decisions you can make as you start a new sports facility. The repercussions of your decisions are almost always long-term, whether good or bad.
Here are some things for owners of sports facility start-ups to consider as they begin to select their financial partners.

Increase Your Sports Facility Revenue with Electronic Scheduling
We’ve already discussed how electronic online payments and electronic online records can help your sports facility. This week. I’ll try to convince you that electronic, online scheduling is also essential to your sports facility operations. It increases your efficiency and eliminates a lot of confusion. Since I sell scheduling software, I make it a point […]

Sports Facility Startup Savings Tip: Accept Online Payments
Last week, we discussed how keeping electronic records lowers overhead and improves cash flow at sports facility start-ups. In the past, we’ve also discussed how requiring upfront payments helps keep more cash on-hand. You’ve heard it many times, but I’ll say it again: Cash is king for new businesses. Any efforts you make toward improving […]

Sports Facility Startup Savings Tip: Use Electronic Records
Sports facility start-ups need to save money every way possible. As we’ve discussed before on this site, cash flow is essential (which is also, by the way, why you should require upfront payment at you sports facility) especially when you’re a start-up. Oftentimes, what might seem like small or necessary expenses really add up when […]

Create VIP Memberships for your Sports Facility
There are plenty of potential customers out there who don’t care much about the price you charge them for your services. And although they typically don’t make up a majority of your customers, they’re worth paying attention to. You’ve probably already come across a few of these customers, especially if you have an affluent target […]

Baseball Facility Marketing Strategy: Volunteering Has Unexpected Benefits
Introduction Sports facility employees often opt to donate time and energy to worthy causes. Volunteering can be an uplifting experience for you and your staff, and it always has a positive effect on your sports facility’s brand. However, if you need any more incentive to volunteer, altruism also tends to produce plenty of valuable marketing […]

How to Market your Sports Facility with Camps, just like Geaux Play in Birmingham
The best sports facility owners do more than just market their services with mailers, online strategy and signs and flyers inside their facilities. They and their staffs also physically go out into their communities — and beyond — to show future clients what professional services that they can expect to receive at their sports facilities. […]

Sports Facility Marketing at Parisi Baldwinsville in NY
Sports facility owners are not typically marketing experts. Their backgrounds are usually in sports or fitness. Usually, their time is consumed by a seemingly never-ending task list that leaves little time to research marketing trends. I’ve seen several eSoft Planner clients close down their sports facilities over the years because their marketing efforts were lagging […]

Increase Sports Facility Revenue with Custom Packages
Just like in any business, owning a sports facility is all about figuring out what your customers’ want, then making sure you’re providing it. You should think hard about what your clients really want long before you spend time creating and promoting a new product or service. Though this is a big picture idea, it works […]

5 Benefits to Give Your Sports Facility Members Today
Enticing your customers to sign up for sports facility memberships usually involves pointing out its financial perks, and perhaps throwing in additional time-sensitive offers. However, there should be much more to being a member at your sports facility. Members should also get first priority and special privileges at every possible opportunity. The relationships you establish […]

Video Training at Your Sports Facility
Anyone who has coached children knows that hands-on teaching methods are much more effective than others. Standing in front of a group of kids and verbally explaining how to improve their sports technique often leads to frustration. And when kids don’t improve and parents don’t see results, it affects the bottom line of your business […]

4 Ways to Boost Pro Shop Revenue
Families who come to your academy for sports training need to buy sports equipment semi-regularly. Why shouldn’t they buy it from you, conveniently while they’re at your facility?
If your pro shop isn’t making as much money as you’d like — or even if you’re considering adding more retail sales options in your sports complex — here a few tips on how to run a pro shop that’s profitable by optimizing your sales.

Champions Sports Performance in North Carolina Opens the Right Way
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of traveling to North Carolina to check out the newest sports facility on the scene: Champions Sports Performance & Training Center in the Lake Norman area. Champions offers personal training and fitness classes for adults that focus on adult functional training, as well as speed and agility […]