Implementing Baseball Facility Management For Your Facility
One of the biggest questions for people starting a baseball facility is: how big of a facility do they need? Honestly, it depends on the mission of the business. No matter how big or small the facility is, it’s essential to take advantage of baseball facility management to keep your facility running smoothly.
Baseball Facility Case Study
Our example today is a baseball training business that we recently worked with, who gave us a tour of their facility. For their specific mission, 3-4k square feet is enough room for them.
Their facility had four cages for rentals and lessons, as well as the ability to do camps. In addition, they had teams to help pay the rent for the facility. The quality of the lessons and camps was a great concern for the owner. The instructors were his gold.
Also, they offered speed, agility, and strength in the off-season. It kept athletes in top shape and educated them on the importance of physical training to improve the five tools for recruiting.
Recently, they added access control for the facility. With it, their athletes can come in after hours to practice their skill sets. It will save you both time and money, as staff is not required to be there after hours as it will allow athletes into the locked facility.
For More Information
Implementing baseball facility management can be an important step in improving your business. To learn more about how to utilize it at your facility, book a consultation with our experts or request a demo to see eSoft Planner’s facility management software.