Welcome to Sports Facility Expert – your one-stop shop for building, running and growing your sports facility

Instructor Management Should Start With Your Facility’s Mission
Introduction Your instructors are the core and the face of your sports facility. It’s absolutely essential to have a professional and enthusiastic team running your programs. However, keeping good, committed instructors on staff is not easy. Usually, they’re part-time and have irregular hours, which makes it harder to establish loyalty than it is with full-time […]

Tracking Prospects and Clients: How Did They Find You?
You already know that attracting new training clients to your facility requires some upfront marketing costs. However, not all marketing strategies are equally effective. Since your time is truly your most valuable asset, wasting it on efforts that don’t have a high return on investment is a big mistake. Analyzing Success After any marketing campaign […]

How to Get New Training Clients by using Free Trials
You may have noticed that it can be difficult to get your clients’ attention, unless you’re offering them a targeted service at a special rate. Getting noticed gets even more difficult when you’re reaching out to prospects who have never been to your facility. These prospects will only respond to your invitations if they know […]

Affordable Sports Facility Marketing Starts with T-shirts
Advertising is absolutely essential for new businesses, and sports facilities are no exception. How else will your community find about your services? Unfortunately, many new owners don’t have an advertising background, and assume that they can’t afford it or don’t have time for it. The good news: There’s no reason to be intimidated by the […]

For Sports Facility Start-Ups, Developing A Community Network Is Critical
Owners of sports facility start-ups are probably well aware of these business basics: choose a unique market, know your customer, and target your marketing directly to their interests. These tenets are particularly important to businesses that are just starting out, and you’ve probably taken time to consider them. But is your niche marketing niche enough? […]

Sports Facilities Company Must Focus on Bottom Line
Many coaches dream of owning their own sports facilities company. After all, as the boss, you make all the rules and run things exactly the way you want. But no one daydreams about working on accounting spreadsheets long into the night. They don’t imagine haggling with vendors or making sure the facility is clean before […]

Customer Retention at your Sports Facility Starts Here
If your sports facility’s staff is anything like mine at DNA Sports Center, they are passionate about training. So passionate, in fact, that tasks like cleaning can become mere afterthoughts. However, the cleanliness of your facility may be the most essential factor to your customer retention rate, and therefore your bottom line. Why? Because cleanliness […]

Sports Facility Marketing Ideas to Avoid a Slow Season
At my indoor training center, the most popular services are for outdoor spring sports (baseball, softball, soccer). That basically means we get busy as soon the weather gets cold and stay busy until the weather gets nice again (we’re in Cincinnati, so that usually means we’re busiest from December through March). However, with some luck, April doesn’t […]

Search Engine Optimization for Sports Facilities: The First Steps
When a potential client searches for your services online, does your sports facility show up somewhere on the first page of results? If not, you’re missing out on a lot of new business. Most owners are aware of the need for visibility. They’re just not sure what concrete steps to take to increase it. You […]

Protect your Revenue from No-Shows and Last-Minute Cancellations
In the sports facility industry, last-minute cancellations and no-shows are four letter words. I’m sure you’re very familiar with the frustration of having an rental or lesson scheduled, only for a client to call in and cancel an hour before it’s supposed to start. This goes beyond a minor annoyance; it really hurts your business. I did […]

Sports Facility Software Improves Customer Service and Lowers Administrative Costs
Choosing the right software for your sports facility can be one of the most important factors in how successfully your business operates.

Critical Customer Touch-Points in Sports Facility Marketing
Customer touch-points have proven successful in my experience with sports facility marketing. Sports facilities are most successful when they build a culture of interactive involvement with their members.

Sports Facility Programming That Will Generate Revenue Throughout the Day
Sports facility programming can help you generate money throughout the day.

It’s All In the Programming
Adding sports facility programming to your operations will maximize your profitability and draw in new clients.

How Software as a Service Offsets Cost of Ownership
SaaS (software as a Service) can address your IT needs for a fraction of the cost of building and supporting your own infrastructure. One of the biggest benefits of SaaS in how it effects cost of ownership.