Welcome to Sports Facility Expert – your one-stop shop for building, running and growing your sports facility
Save time with Swim Club Management Software
Save Time and Increase Revenue with Swim Club Management Software Time is of the essence — especially for swim clubs. Every year they must reevaluate how to arrange their pool schedules to stay competitive in a constantly changing industry. Most clubs dedicate their space to two activities — swim lessons and open swim. Some choose […]
Using Your Sports Facility to Make a Positive Community Impact
Over the past several years, youth sports have become increasingly competitive. The lure of college scholarships for the best athletes drives some to extreme measures. Unfortunately, a large portion of this cutthroat aggression comes from those who are not even on the playing field — parents and coaches. The negativity surrounding youth sports makes headlines […]
Three Things to Protect Your Sports Facility from Sports Injury Incidents
Some sports injuries cannot be avoided. Such as an observer being hit by a foul baseball or a player twisting a knee when coming down. Still, many of these injuries can be prevented. Broken bones and twisted ankles can come from a variety of issues. Some of them that your facility can work to prevent. […]
COVID-19 Sports Facility Operations
Creative Ideas For Operating Your Sports Facility During COVID-19 We know that operating a sports facility during these uncertain times is challenging. You are concerned for the safety and well-being of your clients. However, it can be difficult to navigate the continuously updated list of community rules and guidelines. Your facility may be open one […]
Budget Swim Club Advertising Tactics
Swim Club Advertising Tactics Advertising is one of the most important investments for swim clubs to improve the membership revenue channel, but small advertising budgets prevent many higher-priced options from being within reach. Luckily, there are many swim club advertising options that fit any swim club budget. Facebook Facebook’s social networking platform offers significant reach, […]
Starting a Sports Business with eSoft Planner
Compound Sports: How One of Our Clients Started His Sports Business from Scratch with eSoft Planner Back in 2015, Jeff Stamler had some big ambitions. He wanted to open his own baseball, softball and fitness training sports facility, but he wanted it to have more. A Compound Sports implementation team member recommended a Parisi Speed […]
4 Ways to Boost Pro Shop Revenue
How to Run a Pro Shop You know that the families who come to your academy for sports training also need to buy sports equipment semi-regularly. Why shouldn’t they buy it from you, conveniently while they’re at your facility? Harford Sports Academy in Baltimore asked the same question. They specialized in training for baseball, softball, soccer and lacrosse and decided to […]
What Equipment do I Need for my Sports Facility Start-Up?
If finding and paying for a great location is the biggest issue facing new sports facility owners, the next biggest hurdle is finding and paying for the equipment for that facility. To figure out what you really need and how you should pay for it, start by reviewing your business plan. 1. Make a List of Equipment You’ll Need. Take a […]
Here’s How to Successfully Market your Sports Facility with Camps
The best sports facility owners do more than just market their services with mailers, online strategy and signs and flyers inside their facilities. They and their staff also physically go out into their communities — and beyond — to show future clients what professional services they can expect to receive at their sports facilities. Brad […]
How to Move Your Clients from “Should” to “Will” for Their Fitness Goals
Let’s face it: It’s really difficult to change eating habits and fitness habits. Even though we know that our health should be the top priority, even though we understand that even a little bit can go a long way, even though healthier habits could literally keep us from dying earlier — many of us still […]
An Unconventional Cure for Empty Daytime Hours: Preschool Programming
It’s not especially tough to fill our sports academies when kids are out of school. But during school hours, most of our facilities are sitting practically empty. I’ve already suggested various ways to monetize those slower hours, including: Programs for homeschoolers Fitness programs for adults who have nontraditional work hours or who want to work […]
Top Posts of 2017
As the year comes to a close, I always like to look back and reflect on the things we covered throughout the year on the blog. I look in Google Analytics to see which posts got the most visits, then list them again for anyone who may not have had a chance to read them […]
A New Real Estate Option for Your Sports Facility
There are plenty of factors that can make running a sports facility difficult. However, finding and paying for the right space is at the top of the list. The need for lots of room for our athletes to run, jump and play is essential to our businesses, but those big, open indoor spaces (like turf […]
Your Sports Facility’s Plan for Inclement Winter Weather
Have you ever driven through the cold and snow for an appointment, only to get there and realize that the appointment had been cancelled? It’s infuriating, right? Unfortunately, it tends to happen a few times every winter at sports facilities located in the snowier parts of the country. This type of miscommunication costs much more […]
Understanding Your Sports Facility’s Sales Funnel
The most valuable services at your sports facility usually require a big investment from your clients. And big investments aren’t made on a whim. People might sign up for a one-off camp or even a birthday party without much deliberation, but that’s not the case for long-term memberships and training packages. These bigger products are […]
Tips for Photography at Your Sports Facility
Images are a huge part of your sports facility’s marketing. They draw the reader in and project the energy of your brand in a way that words alone cannot. In the case of my facility, where families weren’t really sure what speed and agility training were, photos of athletes flipping tires and running through their […]
Seasonal Sports Marketing: Three Points for Your Facility
As your sports academy transitions from busy season to slow season and back again, your daily needs and to-do lists change a lot. Creating seasonal sports marketing and staying ahead of it will be a necessity. It’s tough enough to manage cash flow throughout those changes, and keeping up marketing efforts can be even harder– […]
Do You Need One-On-One Help with Your Sports Business?
For a while now, I’ve avoided offering consulting services. I’ve wanted to focus my time and mental energy on my sports facility scheduling software instead. When owners have come to me for advice on sports facility management, I typically direct them to this blog, where I’ve already covered most of the topics they ask about. […]
Planning a Parents’ Night Out at Your Sports Facility
You need to keep your space full for as many hours of the week as possible. That’s one of the pillars of running a profitable sports facility. And for many boutique-type sports academies, it’s easy enough to do during after-school hours and weekend days. What’s left is to fill in the gaps — such as […]
Before You Invest Money in a Sports Facility, Read This
Lots of aspiring sports facility owners lack the cash to get started. If they want their own space, they start out small, or seek funding from banks or partners. A second group of aspiring owners, however, already has the cash. These owners often don’t have experience training athletes. They’re just looking for a good financial […]
How to Create Sports Facility Sponsorship Packages
We sports facility owners are always looking for ways to boost our profits. So if local businesses partner with us by sponsoring our teams, players or programs, it can be a big win. There many ways to structure sponsorship packages successfully. However, there are also lots of ways to let sponsorships distract from your mission […]